Choosing a Growth Mindset


We continue to remain in this place of waiting. Waiting to see our people again and to be embraced by their hugs. Waiting to be able to take walks at the park without having to move off of the path when passing another person. Waiting to go out to your favorite restaurants to eat. Waiting to go sit at that coffee shop that sometimes feels like your second home.

Our minds can so easily become consumed by the waiting…waiting for our life to get back to what we consider to be “normal”.

But what if we begin to shift our gaze and pivot our thoughts so that instead of focusing on and looking at this time as a waiting period, we begin to look at it as more of a formation period. We are each learning and growing every. single. day. whether we know it or not.

Our bodies are working and changing, and our minds and souls continue to do the same thing.

Although the world around us appears to have temporarily shut down, we have not. The earth is still revolving and therefore the days are still passing. While this can seem intense and overwhelming, this all just means that we are yet another day closer to stepping out of this season. 

Our question to you today is: How will you look back at this time? What will you remember?

Think about your body, your mind, and your soul. What are they telling you right now…what are they craving that you are able to feed? Get outside. Move your body. Join the Tribe for virtual cocktail hours. Wave to your neighbors. Try a new recipe. As you make the most of these slower moments, take notice of your mind, body and spirit.

This time matters. It isn’t being wasted. Even in this season of slow anticipation, we are growing and learning.

Use this time to focus on how you are being formed within this season and how you are going to use it in the next. 

Looking for a way to move your body? Join us for virtual yoga! Only $45/month!

Linda Fenelon