Five Journal Prompts for Quarantine


While we are so grateful for the opportunity to “Stay Safe at Home” and practice with our Tribe virtually, we miss all of you dearly. 

Quarantine means we all have a lot of extra time on our hands now. We have time to rest, time to meditate and time to reflect. There is time for yoga and breathing. There is space for you to just be, exactly as you are.

We all are getting through this one day at a time. We need to take the time to reflect and think deeply. 

Be intentional about your moments of reflection. It is easy to focus on our negative thoughts and worries. During the times when you stop and take inventory of your spirit, be kind to yourself. 

Journaling is a great way to practice this reflection and bring yourself back to gratitude. 

Here are five journal prompts for this time in Quarantine 

  1. Who or what are you grateful for today?

  2. What have you gotten to do during quarantine that you normally would not get to do? 

  3. What are your favorite things about spring time? 

  4. What do you need right now? 

  5. Finish this statement: I am really proud of myself for how I have handled these circumstances because …

Take a few minutes each morning to jot a few thoughts down. You are getting through this. There is no right way to feel. You are doing great.

If you feel so led, share your journal response with us on Instagram! We would love to hear your thoughts. 

Even though we love seeing all of you practice online, there is nothing we want more right now than to see you at the studio. We can’t wait to see you soon! Stay safe and healthy friends! 

Are you practicing at home? Share your home studio with us on Instagram

Want to join our Virtual Studio? Join now for only $45! 

Do you have a friend or loved one working the frontlines in healthcare right now? Fill out this form to gift them a month of unlimited virtual yoga classes with your friends at NuPower! That’s right - no catch! Just free yoga to say THANK YOU!

Linda Fenelon