OM: The Sacred Sound


In the vast tapestry of spiritual traditions across the world, few symbols hold as much significance and resonance as the sound "AUM." Often seen as a simple three-letter word, AUM, also spelled "Om," is far more than just a syllable. It is a profound symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other Dharmic traditions, representing the essence of the universe and the ultimate reality.

The Essence of AUM

AUM is considered the primordial sound from which the universe was created. It encapsulates the core of existence, embodying creation, preservation, and destruction—the three fundamental aspects of the cosmos. Each part of the sound—A, U, and M—holds a specific meaning:

**A (Akar)**: This sound represents the beginning, the creation of the universe. It symbolizes waking consciousness and is associated with the god Brahma.

**U (Ukar)**: The middle sound stands for preservation, the continuation of the universe. It signifies the dream state and is linked with the god Vishnu.

**M (Makar)**: The closing sound represents the dissolution or destruction of the universe, a necessary end for rebirth. It corresponds to deep sleep and is associated with the god Shiva.

The silent resonance that follows the utterance of AUM represents the state of Turiya, the transcendental reality beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. This state is the ultimate goal of many spiritual practices—a state of pure consciousness.

AUM in Practice

Chanting AUM is more than a ritualistic practice; it is a journey towards self-realization. The vibration created by chanting AUM aligns the mind, body, and spirit with the fundamental vibration of the universe. This practice is believed to calm the mind, reduce stress, and connect the practitioner to their deeper self.

In yoga and meditation, AUM is often chanted at the beginning and end of sessions. The sound helps practitioners to center themselves, creating a sacred space for inner exploration and peace. It is a tool for focusing the mind and opening the heart, facilitating a deeper meditative state.

AUM in Symbolism

The written symbol of AUM is equally rich in meaning. It combines three curves, a dot, and a semicircle:

- The lower curve represents the waking state (A).

- The middle curve denotes the dream state (U).

- The upper curve symbolizes the state of deep sleep (M).

- The dot signifies the fourth state, Turiya, a state of pure consciousness.

- The semicircle underneath the dot represents Maya, the illusion that separates the dot from the curves, highlighting the transcendent nature of Turiya.

AUM is not just a sound but a symbol of universal significance.

It encapsulates the cycle of life and the nature of existence, guiding those who seek to understand the deeper truths of the cosmos. Whether chanted aloud or contemplated in silence, AUM serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the spiritual journey towards enlightenment. Through AUM, we connect to the very heartbeat of the universe, finding harmony within and around us.

Linda Fenelon