Tejas: To Shine

Tejas refers to the inner fire or brilliance that shines within each individual. It embodies qualities such as vitality, enthusiasm, confidence, and inner strength.


When we say β€œshine” we capture the essence of Tejas perfectly! Tejas is a fascinating concept in yoga. Imagine it as the inner fire, the spark that radiates from within you. It's what gives your practice, teaching, and presence a unique energy.

Think of it Like This:

Picture Tejas as a gentle yet powerful flame residing in your heart. This flame represents your enthusiasm, confidence, and inner light. When you step into your role as a yoga teacher, you're igniting this flame, allowing it to shine through your words, actions, and interactions.

Harnessing Your Inner Fire:

As a new teacher, you might have moments of nervousness or self-doubt. Tejas encourages you to acknowledge these feelings while also tapping into your inner fire. It's that force that helps you stand tall, speak with clarity, and guide your students with confidence.

Bringing Energy to Your Teaching:

Tejas infuses your teaching with vibrancy. It's what makes your cues come to life, your demonstrations feel engaging, and your sequences flow seamlessly. This energy is contagious, impacting how your students experience the class.

Embracing Authenticity:

Tejas isn't about putting on a performance; it's about being true to yourself. When you teach from your heart and share your authentic self, that inner fire naturally shines through. Your uniqueness becomes your strength.

Connecting with Students:

Tejas helps you connect on a deeper level. Your passion and dedication create a space where students feel inspired and supported. It's the spark that makes them eager to return to your classes.

Cultivating Tejas:

Nurturing Tejas involves self-care, self-compassion, and continuous learning. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Embrace learning experiences that fuel your passion for yoga and teaching.

Ignite your inner flame:

Let it guide you, and infuse your teaching with your unique light. Embrace your role with enthusiasm and confidence, knowing that your Tejas will not only enhance your journey but also touch the lives of those you guide on their mats.

Linda Fenelon