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Mindfulness Apps We Love

Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned pro, we know that keeping up the practice on your own can be difficult. Here’s a list of four meditation apps we love so much that we had to share them with you:

Insight Timer

The Insight Timer is our number one when it comes to meditation apps. Not only can you find incredible guided meditations here, but you can also practice silently and use the timer feature to meet your goals. Another great benefit of this one? It’s completely free to use and therefore makes meditation accessible to anyone.

Cost: Free, in-app purchases

Where to Find: (H3) Apple Store and Google Play


We absolutely love Sattva, a meditation app that is rooted in the ancient Vedic principles. This app helps you build your practice by measuring your meditation and helping you build into longer sessions. We recommend this one especially to yoga practitioners as this app includes chants, mantras, and mudras that will help you deepen your yoga practice. 

Cost: Free, in-app purchases

Where to Find: (H3) Apple Store and Google Play


Headspace is by far one of the most well-known meditation apps on the market right now and we’re not surprised! Founded by a Buddhist monk, Andy Puddicombe, these meditations are the product of over ten years of training all over the world. This app includes guided meditations, animations, and writings to delve deeper into your practice.

Cost: $12.99 per month or $69.99 per year

Where to Find: (H3) Apple Store and Google Play


This is the perfect app for those who want to work through specific topics during their meditation practice. Calm has themes on anxiety, mindfulness, gratitude, and so much more. We also recommend this app to beginners because it has 7-day and 21-day programs that can help you set the habit of meditation in your life. 

Cost: free, in-app purchases

Where to Find: (H3) Apple Store and Google Play 

Intend to Shine,

The NuPower Yoga Team

Linda Fenelon