Why Savasana works

When you're doing yoga, there's a pose called Savasana - it's also known as the "corpse pose." It comes at the end of your practice and can be done alone if you just want to chill out. You lie on your back in silence without moving a muscle. This is why it gets its morbid name! Anyway, this pose helps you feel super calm and peaceful for different reasons:

  • Relax your body: Lie on your back and release all tension to reduce physical stress and feel relaxed.

  • Chilling out: If you concentrate on your breathing and don't get caught up in your thoughts, you can relax your mind and lessen stress and worry. 

  • Getting back on track: Savasana is a great way to balance out your nerves by triggering the part of your system that's all about chillaxing - the parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Get in touch with yourself: If you make a habit of doing Savasana often, it'll help you get to know your body, breath, and mind better. This way, you can be more attentive and focused throughout the day.

When Should You Do Savasana?

Savasana is an awesome position that can help us feel better both right away and in the long run. It's all about getting relaxed and peaceful, which can remind us of who we are instead of just reacting to everything around us. According to Saraswati, it's great for unwinding after work or before bed, or for meditation.

Savasana is like taking a breather during your workout, but for your mind and body. It's a moment to chill out after dealing with some tough stuff.

You can also do this pose after a tough yoga move or holding a position for too long. Normally, you only take a quick break with Savasana between moves and save the longer ones for the end.

If you are able, perhaps set aside time each day before bed to lie in Savasana. Commit to the practice, whether every day or once a week, and see what changes you notice over time.

A reduction in the myriad effects of stress could be beneficial, implying that you are more focused and intentional in life, that you have a greater sense of well-being, that you are more available to those you love, and so much more.

Intend to Shine,

The NuPower Tribe

Linda Fenelon