5 Yoga Poses to Fight Seasonal Allergies

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Yoga has been shown to have a stabilizing effect on the immune system, and with a regular yoga practice, the overall health and local resistance in respiratory passages is improved, making it easier for your body to fend off allergens. Yoga is also a great and effective stress management technique. It helps you relax and control your mind and emotions, facilitating the control of your allergic reaction.

Asanas for allergies:

  • Shoulder Stand and other Inversions open nasal passages and improve drainage. However, don’t hold for more than a minute or two at a time so you don’t create too much pressure.

  • Plow Pose opens the muscles at the base of the skull and the back of the neck where pressure tends to accumulate. When these muscles are loose, drainage is clearer.

  • Bridge and other Backbends open the chest. You can also stretch over the back of a cushioned chair. Back-bending is also a great way to expand the chest and lungs and increase lung capacity.

  • Three-Part Yogic Breath helps us increase lung capacity and decrease toxins and stale air. It also helps to reduce stress, which can improve immunity and make you less susceptible to allergies and colds.

  • Fish Pose is another great way to open the chest, lungs and throat to free breath. This stimulates the thymus glad, which is located under the sternum. The thymus glad regulates the lymphatic system!

Try these poses the next time your allergies start acting up!

NuPowerYoga Team

Yoga PowerLinda Fenelon